Premium Firewood

Premium Qld Vintage Ironbark Firewood

The ironbark is a eucalyptus tree that belongs to the myrtle family. It is endemic to Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland, Australia, and is also known as Mugga ironbark.

The bark of the Ironbark genus is very intriguing. The genus is called “Ironbark” for a reason, and it’s because of the tough bark that surrounds the tree. Ironbark trees would gather dead bark onto their outer layer instead of shedding it.

Due of its strong and tough fibres, ironbark wood can be difficult to ignite. However, once it is lit, it will emit strong heat for a lengthy period of time. This sort of wood is ideal for both indoor and outdoor use (fireplaces, heaters, cooking, etc.).

Key Benefits:
– Sustainably sourced
– Year round supply
– Seasoned for at least 20 years
– Moisture content 12%-14%
– Creates less smoke and snoot from inferior woods
– Easier to clean and maintain heaters, ovens and fireplaces
– 6-8hr burn with a hotter fire
– Stove sized pieces

Available in: bulk (per tonne), bulka bag, 20kg bags & pick up.

Ideal for: restaurants, food trucks, open fireplaces, combustion heaters, wood-fired cookers and ovens.

Pairs perfectly: with Hurly Burly Kindling – 10kg bags

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